WeShare, Healthcare by UHSM (Unite Health Share Ministries) has renewed its commitment to the community as a Greater Irvine Chamber Platinum Leaders Circle Partner.
As healthcare costs continue to skyrocket and traditional insurance providers beset with rising premiums and complicated protocols, Americans are seeking a simpler, more cost-effective healthcare alternative. WeShare, Healthcare by UHSM, provides streamlined, cost-effective healthcare solutions for the betterment of the community. WeShare prioritizes preventative care and is driven to restore faith of healthcare through its system. WeShare simplifies the journey for its members and ensures that every member of its community has wellness within reach.
Greater Irvine Chamber Leaders Circle partners are among the most influential companies and organizations in Irvine and Orange County. They take a proactive role in supporting the region’s business community at the highest level.
For information on becoming part of this elite Leaders Circle group, contact Jessica Welch.